Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'M DONE!!!! I am a P90X Graduate! Woo Hoo!

Good morning all!
As of Sunday night, I am officially a P90X graduate! I can not tell you the feeling of accomplishment that I felt the very moment that I finished that last workout. I am very proud of myself, and this is just the beginning of my new, healthier lifestyle. I'm learning more about myself every day, and I want to take care of this body that God blessed me with.
Yesterday, I signed up for a 5K run/walk that is taking place here in Winchester on the 15th. For the next week and a half, I will be training for this. I've never been much of a long-distance runner. Sprints....yes, but miles...no. I'm excited though. Something new, something exciting, and I DO plan on running the whole time. Let's see if I can get myself ready for that in time. :o)
Other than the run, I will be taking a little bit of a break up until the end of school. We have 22 days of school left. I will continue doing workouts 3 nights a week until school is out. Once we have said goodbye to the school year, I plan on finishing another one of Tony Horton's 90 day programs. I will probably do the P90X again, but do a difference calendar....the lean calendar. There's a few things that still need some tweaking and tightening. :o)
Thanks again, everyone for being so very supportive. I know ,any of you have suggested before/ after pictures. I do plan on posting some to this blog....I just have to get my husband to take some new ones for me. Pictures of me are VERY hard to come by around here. I've always hated pics of myself. Anyway, I will post them on here as soon as I can.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

WEEK 13!!!

Well folks,
This is it!!! I am in my final week of the P90X program. I will finish my 90 days this Sunday. I can't believe that I've done it! I am beside myself excited, not only about how much better I feel, but that I actually stuck to the committment. Believe me...this process is far from over. I've already begun to plan my program for the summer. The next 90 days is in the works.
As of right now, I've lost a total of 25 pounds, and MANY inches during this process. I've went from a size 16 pants, down to a size 10. I haven't seen a 10 since high school! Anyway, to anyone who wants to really feel empowered and feel healthier, I highly suggest this workout system. It's difficult...but hey...anything that's actually going to have results is going to be some hard work, right? I plan on continuing the hard work to maintain AND improve what I've worked so hard for over the last 3 months. Thanks to all of you for all of your support and for your kind words of encouragement. That has really helped me in this journey. I will post again when the 90 days is officially over.
3 more days!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 77, Week 11

Well folks, I have just finished week #11, as of last night. Unfortunately, this morning, there were no signs of weight loss...in fact, a .2 increase. YUCK! I will attribute it to being bloated...yes....that's my excuse. Hey, I can't complain too much. I was just on spring break, and I may have eaten a meal or two that wasn't the best for me. :o) (For example...my mom's amazing recipe for tater tot casserole...YUM!!!) Anyhoo, I am feeling really good, other than the typical stress of end-of-the-school-year stuff. We have kindergarten registration tomorrow until 5, then Noah has soccer practice until 6:30. Choir practice Wednesday night, and thankfully, a couple hours free Thursday night to finish the bazillion projects I have due for grad school on Friday. I have class Friday and Saturday, then Noah's birthday party Saturday evening. This is definitely a kicker of a week coming right off of spring break. I can't believe my baby turns 6 tomorrow. Where has all of the time gone?
Well, back to P90X for a minute....things are going great and I am already excited about starting my next 90 day venture. I'm going to tweak things a bit and follow the "lean" calendar rather than the "classic" that I have been following for the last 11 weeks. I'm going to be focusing on those trouble areas. I have really enjoyed having this as a part of my life the last several weeks. I know that I would miss it if I didn't continue. I guess, in a lot of ways, it already has been adopted into being part of my lifestyle. Ok...I'm a little sleepy, so I'm rambling. I will just get to the point.....
2 weeks to go!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 70

Hello All!
I finally have some time to blog this week, being on spring break. I am ready to get back to it! I fnished week #10 yesterday. Weigh in day was this morning, and I lost 2 more pounds! YEAH! I have now lost a total of 22 pounds. I am down to 145 now. YEAH!!!! That was a huge goal for me when starting this whole venture. I really, deep down, didn't think I would reach that goal. Well, I've always learned that, whenyou reach a goal, set a new one. So, now....my goal, over these last 3 weeks, is to lose 5 more measley pounds and hit 140. If I can do that, I will be at my high school weight! Woohoo! I know I can do it. After this is over, I'm going to go back through and follow the lean program. This will not focus so much on weight loss, but rather toning, firming, etc. I can't believe I'm even considering starting another program, but this one, I will be able to do over the summer, so that will make a huge difference. Anyway, I am so excited and proud of myself for reaching such a milestone. I've seen some amazing changes, and the way I feel these days is just priceless.
To anyone who is considering this program, know that it will feel impossible at first, but like Tony Horton says, you just have to make sure that you turn it on every day. Do as much as you can, the best that you can. That's all you can do. It's really been exciting to see how far I've come. When I started, I could hardly make it through any of the exercises....maybe only doing 1 or 2 of some things. Now, I can pretty much do it all...,maybe not as many or as perfectly as the folks on the video do, but I can hold my own weight and keep up pretty darn well.
Thatnks for all of your support, comments, and interest in my venture. I will try and keep closer tabls on my blogs over these last few weeks.
3 weeks to go!!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 63

Ok, so I know I haven't been posting my blogs as frequently as I had been. Just know that all is still going wonderfully. I am still sticking to the plan. I've not missed any of my workouts since the one I skipped a couple of weekends ago. I think, honestly, I am just starting to get a little worn thin with the whole blogging thing. I am feeling like I am being repetitive. I know that it's good for me to write it down every day, just as a way of keeping myself in check. This was my whole intention of starting the blog in the first place. Anyway, to make a short story long, as my husband says I am so good at doing, I apologize for my very uniteresting last few weeks of blogs. I am totally smothered in work at school and my other work for grad school. Most days, as pitiful and unconvincing as it sounds, it just seems like I can't even find the time to sit down for 5 minutes to type something up. However, the countdown is on....4 days until spring break begins!!!!!! This is refreshment that has been long awaited, anticipated, and needed. I can't wait to have the time to get some things done around this house and simply take some time to think, breathe, and recouperate.
So, I just finished week 1 of phase 3 of the program. In this phase, I started off doing the week's worth of workouts that I did during the first 3 weeks of the program. This week, I will go back to the workouts that I had to do during phase 2 (weeks 5-7). Then, back to the first 1, then the 2nd on again. The final week will be my last recovery week. This has been a very long, but very worthwhile program. I have seem tremendous results, and I know that in these final four weeks, that I will see many more. I'm very excited to flip through Tony Horton's workout collection to see what program fits me best. That's what I'm going to start as soon as my 90 days are up.

I again, lost that 1 pound that I gained back last week and lost another one in addition. That puts my grand total, as of today, right at 20 pounds lost. I was really hoping, yet again, for more of a loss, but I am so happy with the physical results and how good I feel, that I am trying not to focus on the actual number too much. I don't want to be distracted or discouraged. So, there you go. I've caught up on how I'm doing and feeling. Pray for me over the next 4 weeks that I don't lose my mind. I really want to successfully finish this program. I've worked really hard, and I don't want life's stresses to take over during this very crucial last month. Thanks for all of your support.

27 days to go!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 58

So yesterday was day #58. I have EXTREMELY sore arms and shoulders today, from Monday's chest and shoulders workout. Last night, it was back to the butt-kickin Plyometrics. It's wierd doing this weekly routine again. It's been a month since this schedule and now it's back. This program really does know how to confuse your muscles. Your body seriously never gets used to working out when you are working something different every night of the week. It really is pretty cool.
Tonight, it is back to arms and back. Next week, the routine will switch up all over again and will go back and forth for the next 4 weeks. The fifth and FINAL week will be a so-called recovery week. I'm so close, I can almost taste the victory! haha
Feeling good, feeling fit. I have an allergy ridden baby at home, so we are taking the night off from Noah's choir practice tonight. We are all looking forward to an early bed time and a good night's rest.
I will check back in tomorrow, as always. God bless!
32 days to go!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 57

Good morning!
I'm a little sleepy this morning, but I guess that's expected when you don't go to bed until after 11 and have to get up at 5. I somehow managed to get myself stuck on the phone with a few different folks last night and didn't realize that it was after 9:30 before I even got started . Even still, I got finished with Chest and Shoulders and Ab Ripper at around 10:30 or so. I am really seeing a difference, by the way, in how much more/ better I am able to do on these push-ups and such than I was able to at the beginning of this whole thing. It's really something. Anyway...I would've been able to salvage a decent amunt of slepp if it weren't for my big 'ol goofy boxer who decided that it was play time when I decided it was bed time. He is rotten! Rotten, but I gotta love him. To make a short story long, as my husband always says....the last time I remember looking at the clock was 12:26. Eeeeek! I think I had fallen asleep for a little cat nap before then....that was until one of my cats decided to start scratching at the bedroom door. I swear, sometimes I think our animals plan this stuff just for their own personal amusement.
Anyway, I am feeling really good, other than tiredness. I am VERY much looking forward to my spring break which is now only 9 days away! I know that during the break, I will be able to take some time to really recouperate and realx some...catch up on some much-needed sleep!
I am feeling good, feeling strong, but I must say that I am really hoping to see some changes in the firmness over these last few weeks. I see that I'm stronger. I know that I've dropped some weight...the proof is in the pant size. However, there are still some physical changes that I hope to see by the end. Come on P90X! Don't disappoint me now. :o)
Oh, just a quick weigh-in result. For some reason, I am blaming it on this last week's recovery week. (Well, that and mother nature.) I have gained a pound back this week, as of this morning. I'm ok with this, because I know that next week, I have the potential to show a bigger loss. So, to date, that's an 18 pound loss in 8 weeks. I wish it were more, but I am hoping to be surprised here in this last month. We shall see!
33 days to go!